COVID-19 Pānui
He whārangi tēnei hei toha i ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te mate urutā a COVID-19. Here we will share updates and information on COVID-19 from the Government as well as links to local support services available in our community.
Our Services

Tahia Te Marae
Hei āwhina i te whānau

Nurse Led Clinic
Hei āwhina i tō ake hauora

Whānau Ora
Hei āwhina i te whānau

Hei āwhina i te hunga kaumātua

Hei Tiki Pūmau
Hei āwhina i te hunga wāhine e hapū ana

Disability Information Advocacy
Hei āwhina i te hunga hauā
Tahia Te Marae New Marae Based Service Delivery
Tahia Te Marae (TTM) is a localised commissioning marae-based model of service delivery designed & developed by the Huria Trust staff & advisory team. Our aim is to work alongside whānau & hapū in pursuit of their dreams, goals and aspirations.
ABOUT US Ko Wai Mātou?
Huria Trust is a kaupapa Māori, hapū based organisation whose inception began with the re-build of our whare tīpuna (ancestral house) Tamateapōkaiwhenua at Huria Marae. We have maintained a kaitiaki role and intimate relationship with our Marae over the past 30 years.
Today, Huria Trust remains a kaupapa Māori, hapū centric organisation committed to the advancement of health, social, educational and cultural services to our hapū and the wider community.
Programmes & Services Oranga Marae
Huria Trust supports many programmes and services run through Huria Marae, from He Rourou Aroha (supporting homeless whānau) to Te Kooti Rangathi (Youth Court) and Huria Book Club with our tamariki of the hapori. This helps to ensure we maintain our connection to the marae across the road from our tari.
News & Notices Ngā Pānui
Our latest news, stories, and updates about Huria Trust, Huria Marae & our community.

He Rourou Aroha Dates
Support for the homeless and those in need. He Rourou Aroha is a free community lunch service for the homeless and those in need, available every 2nd and 4th Monday.

He Rourou Aroha
Check out the pānui for more information about He Rourou Aroha and for our upcoming dates
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